=amstex =10 R L^1() L^&infin#infty;() 0() 0  ·  BRADLEY J. LUCIER[*]"\dag"Department of Mathematics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907. The work of the first author was not supported by the Wolf Foundation. and DOUGLAS N. ARNOLD[*]"\ddag"Department of Mathematics, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742.


This sample paper illustrates many of the amstex macros as used with the AmS-TeX SIAM style file. The AmS-TeX SIAM style file (amstexsiam.sty), which is a modification of the amsppt style of Michael Spivak, gives authors easy access to most of the typographical constructions used in SIAM journals. It does not address the issues of the table of contents or tables, which must be set using more primitive TEX macros.

1. Introduction We are concerned with numerical approximations to the so-called porous-medium equation [#!6!#],

$\displaystyle \alignedat2
&u_t=\phi(u)_{xx},&&\qquad x\in\BbbR,\quad t>0,\quad...
...=u^m,\quad m>1,
&u(x,0)=u_0(x),&&\qquad x\in\BbbR.
\tag 1.1

We assume that the initial data u0(x) has bounded support, that 0≤u0M, and that φ(u0)x$\bvr$. It is well known that a unique solution u(x, t) of (1.1) exists, and that u satisfies

0≤uM and $\displaystyle \TV$φ(u( ⋅ , t))x$\displaystyle \TV$φ(u0)x.$\displaystyle \tag$1.2

If the data has slightly more regularity, then this too is satisfied by the solution. Specifically, if m is no greater than two and u0 is Lipschitz continuous, then u( ⋅ , t) is also Lipschitz; if m is greater than two and (u0m-1)x$\linfr$, then (u( ⋅ , t)m-1)x$\linfr$ (see [3]). (This will follow from results presented here, also.) We also use the fact that the solution u is Hölder continuous in t.

2. $\linfr$ error bounds After a simple definition, we state a theorem that expresses the error of approximations uh in terms of the weak truncation error E. Definition 2.1A definition is the same as a theorem set in roman type. Theorem 2.1 Let {uh} be a family of approximate solutions satisfying the following conditions for 0≤tT: For all x$\BbbR$ and positive t, 0≤uh(x, t)≤M; Both u and uh are Hölder–α in x for some α∈(0, 1∧1/(m - 1)); uh is right continuous in t; and uh is Hölder continuous in t on strips $\BbbR$×(tn, tn+1), with the set {tn} having no limit points; and There exists a positive function ω(h, ε) such that: whenever {wε}0 < εε0 is a family of functions in $\bold$X for which "(a)" there is a sequence of positive numbers ε tending to zero, such that for these values of ε, | wε|≤1/ε, "(b)" for all positive ε, | wxε($\sdot$, t)|$\scriptstyle \loner$≤1/ε2, and "(c)" for all ε > 0,

sup$\displaystyle \Sb$x$\displaystyle \BbbR$
0≤t1, t2T$\displaystyle \Sb$$\displaystyle {\dfrac{{\vert w^\epsilon(x,t_2)-w^\epsilon(x,t_1)\vert}}{{\vert t_2-t_1\vert^p}}}$≤1/ε2,

where p is some number not exceeding 1, then | E(uh, wε, T)|≤ω(h, ε). Then, there is a constant C = C(m, M, T) such that

| u - uh|∞,$\scriptstyle \BbbR$×[0, T]C$\displaystyle \left[\vphantom{
\sup \left \vert\int_\BbbR(u_0(x)-u^h(x,0)) w(x,0) \,dx\right\vert+
\omega(h,\epsilon)+\epsilon^\alpha}\right.$sup$\displaystyle \left\vert\vphantom{\int_\BbbR(u_0(x)-u^h(x,0)) w(x,0) \,dx}\right.$$\displaystyle \int_{\BbbR}^{}$(u0(x) - uh(x, 0))w(x, 0) dx$\displaystyle \left.\vphantom{\int_\BbbR(u_0(x)-u^h(x,0)) w(x,0) \,dx}\right\vert$ + ω(h, ε) + εα$\displaystyle \left.\vphantom{
\sup \left \vert\int_\BbbR(u_0(x)-u^h(x,0)) w(x,0) \,dx\right\vert+
\omega(h,\epsilon)+\epsilon^\alpha}\right]$,$\displaystyle \tag$2.1

where the supremum is taken over all w$\bold$X. ProofLet z be in $\bold$X. Because E(u,$\sdot$,$\sdot$)≡ 0, Equation (1.5) implies that

$\displaystyle \int_{\BbbR}^{}$Δuz|T0dx = $\displaystyle \int_{0}^{T}$$\displaystyle \int_{\BbbR}^{}$Δu(zt + φ[u, uh]zxx) dx dt - E(uh, z, t),$\displaystyle \tag$2.2

where Δu = u - uh and

φ[u, uh] = $\displaystyle {\dfrac{{\phi(u)-\phi(u^h)}}{{u-u^h}}}$.

Extend φ[u, uh](⋅, t) = φ[u, uh](⋅, 0) for negative t, and φ[u, uh](⋅, t) = φ[u, uh](⋅, T) for t > T.[*]Fix a point x0 and a number ε > 0. Let jε be a smooth function of x with integral 1 and support in [- ε, ε], and let Jδ be a smooth function of x and t with integral 1 and support in [- δ, δ]×[- δ, δ]; δ and ε are positive numbers to be specified later. We choose z = zεδ to satisfy

$\displaystyle \aligned
&z_t+(\delta+J_\delta*\phi[u,u^h])z_{xx}=0,\qquad x\in\BbbR,\;0\leq t\leq T,
\tag 2.3

The conclusion of the theorem now follows from (2.1) and the fact that

| jε*Δu(x0, t) - Δu(x0, t)|≤α,

which follows from Assumption 2.$\qedsymbol$ #_no#> 1 L. A. Caffarelli and A. Friedman Regularity of the free boundary of a gas flow in an n-dimensional porous medium Indiana Math. J. 29 1980 361–391 #_no#> 2 K. Hollig and M. Pilant Regularity of the free boundary for the porous medium equation MRC Tech. Rep. 2742 #_no#> 3 J. Jerome Approximation of Nonlinear Evolution Systems Academic Press New York 1983 #_no#> 4 R. J. LeVeque Convergence of a large time step generalization of Godunov's method for conservation laws Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 37 1984 463–478 #_no#> 5 A large time step generalization of Godunov's method for systems of conservation laws #_no#> 6 B. J. Lucier On nonlocal monotone difference methods for scalar conservation laws Math. Comp. 47 1986 19–36 ;''ARRAY(0x2ba7150)